Ad planning can set your business up for success–so it makes sense to team up with an expert in the field to determine strategy. Your advertising budget works harder for you when you work with professionals who can strategize, schedule, produce, and measure the effectiveness of your advertising from start to finish. And that’s where SAUCE Advertising comes in. Find out what we offer with our ad planning services below, then give us a call to get started.
What Are the Benefits of an Annual Ad Plan?
One of the top benefits of an Ad Plan is that it sets your strategy and budget for the year in a single document. All your monthly advertising programs, including blogs, eblasts, and media campaigns (direct mail, TV, radio, digital advertising, and more) are included. And with owner and president Tina Chovanec’s more than 30 years of experience in the advertising world—along with her creative team—you can be assured we understand your brand inside and out.
Another major benefit is that it allows our team to deliver consistent content. From design to copy and project to project, the feel will be the same. “Your postcard and digital ads look like your website,” Tina explains. “Creating this cohesive brand message across all your advertising efforts is essential for your customers to know who you are and what you do—and most importantly, why they should partner with you.”
On top of this, the SAUCE team also has access to other value-added programs and bulk pricing that can maximize your ad spend even further. You can also send advertising reps who contact you directly to our agency so we can consider the opportunities—and say “no thank you” when appropriate.
What Goes Into an Ad Plan?
SAUCE’s Ad Plans are structured with an overview of the budget by services, followed by detailed programs and their costs. Plans also include options for additional consideration—programs that may not fit within your current budget or those that were previously of interest. Some plans may also include timelines or calendars for advertising schedules at a glance.
While we design your Ad Plan with certain goals in mind, they’re always a work in progress. “Ad Plans can be updated as the year goes on,” says Tina. “We do that as your needs evolve—and so you can see the total picture on ad dollars spent at any given point in the year.”
Recommended plans are sent with an invitation to discuss, either in person, by phone, or virtual meeting. The final plan is then approved by the client once we’ve adjusted dollars or programs.
What Happens Once the Ad Plan Is Approved?
Once your Ad Plan is finalized, it’s distributed to three SAUCE teams. First, our media director makes media buys and determines final run days and due dates.
The plans also go to our project managers so they can begin to schedule work for the year. They distribute and manage the deadlines for our creative team. In general, our agency works about four to eight weeks ahead of any deadline, getting our final creative to our media partners well ahead of launch. They keep clients in the loop on edits and approval along the way.
Finally, the plans go to our controller, who closes the loop with the billing process.
Plan Your Advertising the SAUCE Way
Are you ready for customized ad planning to help your business grow? SAUCE can help you determine the best ways to get your products and services to your customers. If you’re not ready for a full Ad Plan, SAUCE can also work with you on a project-to-project basis.
Find the right mix of advertising projects and strategies for your business by getting in touch with us today. Call SAUCE today or contact us online.