Your website is a major asset in connecting you directly to your customers and audience. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) plays a huge role in that—by making your site compliant with ADA standards, you can reach as many people as possible with it. But what is ADA compliance, and what does it mean? SAUCE Advertising breaks down the answers in this blog.
ADA Compliance Definition
The ADA was created in 1990 to help give people with disabilities the same opportunities as those without. Recently, the Act was amended to make websites more accessible, helping those with hearing- or vision-related impairments access information—as well as products and services—more easily.
How Do I Make My Site ADA Compliant?
SAUCE has perfected the art of helping clients reach ADA site compliance. Our expert web upgrades include:
- Contrast—giving site elements a higher contrast (think texts and buttons) is easier for customers to see and use.
- Links—making links stand out on a page increases the user’s ability to see and click on them, thus boosting your site’s overall performance and number of views.
- Text—in addition to contrast, the ability to change the size and spacing of text helps make it more legible to certain users. This also includes a dyslexia-friendly mode, helping visitors with the condition easily follow along with your thoughts.
- Cursor—along with text, SAUCE’s ADA-compliance work can also make the cursor bigger (by as much as 400 percent) to ensure that it always stays in a user’s sightline. A bigger cursor also allows for faster and more accessible navigation through hyperlinks and tabs.
ADA Compliance—The Bottom Line
There is a lot that goes into creating an ADA-compliant website. So let SAUCE handle it. Not only do we create beautiful websites that are already written with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind, but we also build them to be ADA-compliant. We worry about all the intricacies and the details, so you can focus on what really matters—running your business.
Still have questions on ADA compliance or how it can benefit you? Check out part two of this blog—why you should create an ADA-compliant website—and give us a call at 262-650-8300 to see how we can help you today.